What Is the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

If your period is late or you are experiencing other common early pregnancy symptoms, you’re probably eager to confirm your suspicions with a pregnancy test. Different options are available at the local drugstore and the doctor’s office, so read this article to understand the difference between blood and urine tests and which works best for

Top 7 Pregnancy Symptoms

Are you wondering whether or not you’re pregnant? Nausea and a missed period are the most common symptoms, but there are other signs to look out for as well.  Check out this article to compare your symptoms with those of early pregnancy and learn about your best next steps. 1. Missed Period A missed period

How Do I Tell My Boyfriend and Family I’m Pregnant?

Confirming your pregnancy is your best first step to telling your boyfriend and family you are pregnant. If you are pregnant and did not plan to be, take a deep breath. You are empowered to tell people about your unexpected pregnancy on your time. How To Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You Are Pregnant  If

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